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Samopostrežna blagajna naredi nakupovanje bolj priročno


Danes postajajo supermarketi vse bolj priročni in med različnimi kategorijami blaga obstajajo dobre razlike, tako da imajo vsi boljše nakupovalne izkušnje. Ko pa je ljudi preveč, se bodo vsi soočili s pojavom "5 minut za nakupe in 2 uri za blagajno". V tem času je pojavsamopostrežne blagajneje zelo pravočasno, zato je vaše nakupovanje bolj priročno.

Funkcijasamopostrežna blagajna in our supermarket is to help everyone speed up the settlement and greatly reduce the time in the cashier queue. The cost of the samopostrežna blagajna is low, much lower than the cost of labor. Therefore, it is very suitable for supermarkets with a large number of people. Several samopostrežne blagajne can be arranged to meet the daily cashier settlement. At present, samopostrežne blagajne are installed in the settlement areas of many supermarkets, which can play a role in diversion when there are many people, speed up the efficiency of settlement, and enhance the shopping experience of customers.

Celoten postopeksamopostrežna blagajna is self-service. Customers only need to scan the barcode of the product by themselves, and the samopostrežna blagajna automatically recognizes the product information. After the scan is complete. Customers click to select payment methods, including payment code payment, scan code payment, face payment, and so on. After the customer chooses, he can pay. After receiving the information, the self-service cashier will send the payment information to the system and print the invoice.
Učinkovitostsamopostrežna blagajnaje dolgoročno razmeroma visoka, z nizkimi stroški in dolgim ​​delovnim časom. Te prirojene prednosti nam lahko pomagajo narediti nakupovanje bolj priročno, hitro zaključiti poravnavo in se posloviti od časa parangalov.

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